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Samstag, 3. März 2007, 15:30

Englisch-ma durchgucken,korrigieren und möglicherweise ergänzen

hi! wir müssen montag die folgende aufgabe abgeben - das wird unsere einzige schriftliche zensur bis auf die klausur dieses halbjahr und deshalb brauch ich da was zwischen 13 und 15pkt :) wenn ihr noch ein paar aspekte für die thematik habt, die ich mit rein bringen sollte dann immer her damit. bin für alles dankbar. so hab jetz >2h dran gesessen, hoffe es hat sich gelohnt und ihr habt nich allzuviel zu korrigieren!

Choose one section of questions and answer them extensively in one text.
c) Have you ever read a novel or story online, or an e-book? Do you think that this is going to be the future of reading?

What was my intention for choosing this topic? Generally I am interested in technical things, especially in themes of the computer and it seems to be very interesting to look into the future and give an outlook. On the other hand I have already read some e-books and know something about them.
At first I want to give some information about the e-book generally and the development of the e-book.
An e-book is a book in digital form. It is similar to a real book in the fact of the content – for example the directory or the page enumeration, but has the advantages of a digital media – for example the possibility of searching words. An e-book could be found for the first time in 1993, when the manual of a computer game was in the PDF-format. In 1999 to 2000 the first tries of real commercialization started. Nowadays especially professional literature is published in the digital form; there are approximately 1000 titles to buy.
I have already read some e-books I wrote at the beginning. It is correct and was an interesting experience. I read these e-books because on the one hand they were only available in the internet and not in the printed form and on the other hand they were free. If I would have read these texts in a book, I would have been forced to buy them for much money. In the fact that these stories were interesting to read, but nowhere published – because it is a really specific theme and should be not very public – I had to read the e-book and did not regret it till today. Surely it would have been easier to have a printed book, able to be read in the evening before I go to sleep, but it was not very uncomfortable to sit in front of the computer with something to eat beneath me and read the interesting book. When I got tired, I set a bookmark and was able to continue reading where I had stopped the day before. If I read a book at first mostly I am to lazy to take a bookmark onto the side and secondly I think that I am so clever and able to remember where I stopped – but often this is a false conclusion and I have to search where I finished reading. Of course it is really annoying and a minus for a printed book. I would read an e-book anytime again, if I am not able to get it cheap in the printed form. In the first instance it is important for a pupil to get with less money a mass of information and if the e-book is for free nobody with the same circumstances would buy the book if he had another possibility to get the same text, also when it is a little bit more stressful to read a long text with hundreds of sites on the computer. Nevertheless it is possible to do something beneath reading the e-book – you could visit a forum, listen to music and chat with other people during sitting in front of the computer and reading a book. If you are not able to do many things together or one after another only for a short time you could shut all other programs and disturbing things down, so that you can read calmly. For me it is normal to do some things at the same time, but from friends, relative and parents I sometimes hear how it is possible and that I will go insane, if I furthermore do it – but they also have to admit that it is really amazing that I am very good at things which have to do with the computer. That could be a reason why I am really interested in reading e-books, whereas my relatives and other people are not willing to read an e-book. In my opinion they are not really experienced in things which have to do with the computer and are scared to encounter with new things they do not know. For me an e-book is a good invention with good perspectives but some decisive objections. Nevertheless the printed book has some disadvantages, too. In my eyes the e-book is a normal step – nowadays really much things are digital or digitalized, for example the music on the CD, films on DVD or catalogues in the internet. It is really logical to publish texts and other things in the digital media. But the DVD or the CD has no disadvantages, the e-book unfortunately has. It is normally uncomfortable to sit in front of the computer and read a book – normally you lay in the bed a book in front of you and enjoy the warm and cuddle feeling. With a notebook it is possible, but stressful for the eyes – they see all the time glaring light and the noise of the fans could disturb the nice silence. You always have to scroll down irritated to the next page and could not lie on the back holding the book in your hands while reading. But you can enlarge the script if you should wear glasses or search for a fixed position. Another positive aspect is that an e-book nowadays is often for free, but you could not take a notebook to the doctor and read it in the waiting room. Furthermore it is not possible today to equip every student with a notebook to be able to read school lecture.
In my opinion printed books have some advantages still today, but if smaller and more portable devices are invented it could be reality that nearly every person is reading an e-book in some years. How wonderful would it be to share the texts with other owners oft e-book-devices and to get new reading stuff for free – but it also would be possible if it the digital rights management allow it – and this is another disadvantage – other people could define what you are allowed to do and what not. This could be a great risk for your personal freedom. But the e-book could be the future of reading, because in the future it will be more necessary to save paper and valuable woods.
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 19. Januar 2006

Beiträge: 1 107

Bike: Monster 600 verkauft - SL300-24V R129


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 19:59

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Samstag, 3. März 2007, 20:14


Original von deggendorfer

toller kommentar :rolleyes:
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 20. Juni 2004

Beiträge: 952

Bike: Honda CBR 125 R offen

Wohnort: Friedrichshafen, Stadt der Asylanten :D


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 20:22

Na wenn das mal nicht glatte 15 Punkte sind :daumen:

Mal im Ernst, dafür erwartest du aber nicht wirklich was zwischen 13-15P. oder? Vielleicht 7-8, wenns hochkommt.


- Satzstrukturen sind ab und zu sehr seltsam
- Deine Gramatik lässt an manchen Stellen zu wünschen übrig
- Argumente sind oftmals totaler Schwachsinn und/oder absolut unter Niveau, noch dazu sind sie meist mangelhaft belegt
- Du gehst nicht wirklich auf das Thema ein, sondern kratzt nur ein bisschen an der Oberfläche
- Arbeite an deiner Ausdrucksweise (Umgangssprache+German Englisch!)

- Führe deine Argumentationsansätze weiter/genauer aus, und hak sie nicht so schnell ab. Teilweise ist da genau das dabei, was in der Aufgabe gefragt ist.

Edit: Will dich keinesfalls runterputzen, aber du musst realistisch sein, nicht dass du nachher bei der Notenvergabe anfängst zu heulen^^
Also da ist eindeutig noch Raum für Verbesserungen, aber es könnte weitaus schlimmer sein :P


Original von Wallimar
Der O.mus verteilt Freibier aufm YBC?! 8o


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ouija« (3. März 2007, 20:25)

  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 23. Juli 2003

Beiträge: 3 266

Bike: Yamaha TDR 125

Wohnort: Darmstadt


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 20:29

autorenrechte als einschränkung von persönlichen rechten darzustellen halte ich auch für etwas "gewagt"
a scientist studies what is, whereas an engineer creates what never was ! (Theodore von Karman)
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 12. April 2005

Beiträge: 281

Bike: ex: Suzuki Dr; jetzt: GSX 750, BMW r45.KTM LC4 620


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 20:43

welche klasse bist du?
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 13. Oktober 2005

Beiträge: 748

Bike: Honda VTR 1000 SP-1

Wohnort: NRW


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 20:51


Original von arctic-cool
welche klasse bist du?

Ich schätze mal 12 ...
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I-Kuh 7

Registrierungsdatum: 16. Januar 2007

Beiträge: 2 133


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:12

brandenburg halt

FC Bayern München e. V.

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Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:17

so macht zu hier,bringt ja doch nix-schade.
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 20. Juni 2004

Beiträge: 952

Bike: Honda CBR 125 R offen

Wohnort: Friedrichshafen, Stadt der Asylanten :D


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:22


Original von fragger123
so macht zu hier,bringt ja doch nix-schade.

warum? weil dir die leute das sagen, was du nicht hören willst? dann kann dir keiner mehr helfen :rolleyes:


Original von Wallimar
Der O.mus verteilt Freibier aufm YBC?! 8o

  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 20. April 2005

Beiträge: 1 603

Bike: kleiner frosch

Wohnort: Bad Essen


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:32

ich seh das genauso wie der ouija ...
für 13 Punkte fehlts da einfach vielen Sachen ! die satzkonstruktionen sind zwar nicht unbedingt falsch, aber für ne gute note viel zu einfach aufgebaut ! vor allem ist der satzbau auch zu deutsch (german english nannte der ouija das) ... du übersetzt teilweise einfach aus dem deutschen - passt aber in englisch halt nicht ...
andere sachen wie z.b. "...on the other hand..." sind umgangssprache - für 13 punkte muss man das besser ausdrücken !
und für so eine bedeutende aufgabe könnte man das thema ruhig etwas genauer ausarbeiten ...
wurde ja aber alles schon genannt ...

siehs ein und nutze das WE ums besser zu machen oder glaub, dass wir alle dich nur dissen wollen ...
  • Zum Seitenanfang




Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:44

so sieht der text jetzt aus-noch etwas überarbeitet,paar konstruktionen anders-aber nich soo viel:

Choose one section of questions and answer them extensively in one text.
c) Have you ever read a novel or story online, or an e-book? Do you think that this is going to be the future of reading?

What was my intention for choosing this topic? Generally I am interested in technical things, especially in computer themes and it seems to be very interesting to look into the future and give an outlook. On the other hand I have already read some e-books and know something about them.
At first I want to give some information about e-books in general and the development of the e-book.
An e-book is a book in digital form. It is similar to a real book in the fact of the content – giving an examply: the directory or the page enumeration, but has the advantages of a digital media – for example the possibility of searching words. An e-book could be found for the first time in 1993, when the manual of a computer game was in the PDF-format. In 1999 to 2000 the first tries of real commercialization started. Nowadays especially professional literature is published in the digital form; there are approximately 1000 titles to buy.
As I already said above I still have read some e-books. It is correct and was an interesting experience. I read these e-books because on the one hand they were only available in the internet and not in the printed form and on the other hand they were free. If I would have read these texts in a book, I would have been forced to buy them for much money. In the fact that these stories were interesting to read, but nowhere published – because it is a really specific theme and should be not very public – I had to read the e-book and did not regret it till today. Surely it would have been easier to have a printed book, able to be read in the evening before I go to sleep, but it was not very uncomfortable to sit in front of the computer with something to eat beneath me and read the interesting book. When I got tired, I set a bookmark and was able to continue reading where I had stopped the day before. If I read a book at first mostly I am to lazy to take a bookmark onto the side and secondly I think that I am so clever and able to remember where I stopped – but often this is a false conclusion and I have to search where I finished reading. Of course it is really annoying and a minus for a printed book. I would read an e-book anytime again, if I am not able to get it cheap in the printed form. In the first instance it is important for a pupil to get with less money a mass of information and if the e-book is for free nobody with the same circumstances would buy the book if he had another possibility to get the same text, even though it can be a little bit more stressful to read a long text with hundreds of sites on the computer. Nevertheless it is possible to do something during reading the e-book – you could visit a forum, listen to music and chat with other people during sitting in front of the computer and reading a book. If you are not able to do many things at the same time or one after another only for a short time you could shut all other programs and disturbing things down, so that you can read calmly. For me it is normal to perform many tasks at the same time, but from friends, relative and parents I sometimes hear how it is possible and that I will go insane, if I furthermore do it – but they also have to admit that it is really amazing that I am very good at things which have to do with the computer. That could be a reason why I am really interested in reading e-books, whereas my relatives and other people are not willing to read an e-book. In my opinion they are not really experienced in things which have to do with the computer and are scared to encounter with new things they do not know. For me an e-book is a good invention with good perspectives but some decisive objections. Nevertheless the printed book has some disadvantages, too. In my eyes the e-book is a normal step – in modern life you can find so many examples for digitalisation, for example the music on the CD, films on DVD or catalogues on the internet. It is really logical to publish texts and other things in the digital media. But the DVD or the CD has no disadvantages, the e-book unfortunately has. It is normally uncomfortable to sit in front of the computer and read a book – normally you lie down on the bed, a book in front of you and enjoy the warm and cuddle feeling. With a notebook it is possible, but stressful for the eyes – they see all the time glaring light and the noise of the fans could disturb the nice silence. You always have to scroll down irritated to the next page and you can not lie down. But you can enlarge the script if you should wear glasses or search for a fixed position. Another positive aspect is that an e-book nowadays is often for free, but you could not take a notebook to the doctor and read it in the waiting room. Furthermore it is not possible today to equip every student with a notebook to be able to read school lecture.
In my opinion printed books have some advantages still today, but if smaller and more portable devices – the handhelds are a step into the right direction - are invented it could be reality that nearly every person is reading an e-book in some years. How wonderful would it be to share the texts with other owners of e-book-devices and get a new virtual book for free– but it also would be possible if it the digital rights management allow it – and this is another disadvantage – other people could define what you are allowed to do and what not. This could be a high risk for your personal freedom. But the e-book could be the future of reading, because in the future it will be more necessary to save paper and valuable woods.

noch paar verbesserungsvorschläge?:) z.b. punkte die noch nicht angesprochen wurden, etc?

  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 20. April 2005

Beiträge: 1 603

Bike: kleiner frosch

Wohnort: Bad Essen


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:55

viele änderungen sind mir jetzt nicht aufgefallen, aber eine andere Sache noch :


For me it is normal to perform many tasks at the same time, but from friends, relative and parents I sometimes hear how it is possible and that I will go insane, if I furthermore do it – but they also have to admit that it is really amazing that I am very good at things which have to do with the computer

würd ich weglassen ! 1. stinkt eigenlob und 2. hats nichts mit dem thema zu tun ...

wie siehts eigentlich mit kommasetzung aus ? hast du die nur jetzt weggelassen wegen schnell tippen ?
  • Zum Seitenanfang




Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:57

alter schwede! jetzt müssen wir schon deine hausaufgaben machen =)

du kannst ja gar nix! bekommst ja nicht mal ne tussi ins bett :auslach:
(jetzt weiß ich auchwarum)

und ja, der kommentar ist toll,
und nein, der ist nicht unpassend :prof:
  • Zum Seitenanfang

Registrierungsdatum: 20. April 2005

Beiträge: 1 603

Bike: kleiner frosch

Wohnort: Bad Essen


Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:59


Original von Wicked
du kannst ja gar nix alleine ! bekommst ja nicht mal ne tussi ins bett :auslach:
(jetzt weiß ich auchwarum)

genau das hab ich auch erst gedacht :rolleyes: :P
  • Zum Seitenanfang

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