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Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
*oben bei Mutti*
Date of registration: Dec 31st 2003
Bike: Duc 916; KX 250; Aprilia Rx mit ordentlich Schmakkes; 3mal Yamha Fs-1; Vespa 125PX;son komischer Traktor maico mofa......
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent" (Dec 8th 2007, 7:29pm)
Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Husky-Boy" (Dec 8th 2007, 7:31pm)
Date of registration: Sep 2nd 2001
Bike: Sommer: 328iA/NSR Winter: 318i
Location: Niedersachsen
Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Date of registration: Sep 2nd 2001
Bike: Sommer: 328iA/NSR Winter: 318i
Location: Niedersachsen
Original von Husky-Boy
so schlimm schauts auch garned aus, beim moped würde man sagen, das sins kampfspuren, die machen schnell *g*
Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Date of registration: Apr 18th 2004
Bike: Ducati 748 Husqvarna WR 125 Auto: BMW
Location: 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg